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These services offered by Jonah's Project, which are now a part of the Interception Hub that aims to intercept, support and offer guidance to young people who are convicted, involved or at risk of criminal activity.

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Intune is school-based music mentoring, we have our own equipment, a qualified sound engineer and can provide a mentor. The idea is for young people to use music as an outlet and a form of reflection 

Click below for more information

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This service is for young males aged 16-30 years old struggling with day-to-day living, common problems that occur in society, family and in-law relationships, judicial unjust, behaviour, and treatment, that aims for genuine respect for young males. We offer advocacy for complaints raised against police and judicial bodies.

Click below for more information

Please feel free to contact us about any of the services above, or complete the referral form and we will review it and get in contact with you to discuss the referral further 

Click below for the referral form

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